Sunday, September 27, 2009

"Body Image And Mass Media"

Hazboun, Bishara. "Body Image And Mass Media." 19 Jan. 2007.

This was an article that was written about the influence that magazines and the media have on young women, specifically targeting body image. The article explained that now a days teen magazines are promoting different styles and different body types. In the article it said that there have been 266 articles in "Seventeen" magazine that are related to the body from 1992 to 2003. They went on to explain that this is having a great effect on girls. The girls are wanting to look like certain celebrities or models and are willing to buy certain products or starve themselves or do whatever they can so that they look like whoever the media proclaims to be "acceptable".

I feel that this is definitely applicable to our generation. You can see it in so many places. Teens are always looking at the media and trying to find out what the "hot, new" trend is. And whatever the trend is at that given time, they want to be part of it. I've heard of girls that think that they are fat, even though they are a normal weight, and they starve themselves so that they may look a certain way that the media portrays as being "hot" or "sexy" or "cool" or whatever. Truth is that this is a reality, and the media really does have a big influence on young people.


  1. I agree with this article and with Jon. Our society make the celebrities like they are a huge idol. Even girls at our school try so hard to make themselves look like a famous celebrity. They have to always have the "New Hot" clothing materials. I think that people just need to be who they are, and not try to be someone else

  2. I agree with Ige on this topic. The media portrays a false sense of beauty that is unrealistic. It is hard not to notice the effect that the media has on girls, you can see it in the style's of clothing they wear and even some go as far as starving themselves when they think there not skinny enough. Its sad seeing how much of an effect the media can actually have.

  3. I agree with this article. I used to think that this only applied to girls because I thought they were the only one that payed attention to the media that much. I think that the girls used to be the target of the media, but I think that the target is switching to guys. One thing that suggests this is that the rates of steroid use, anorexia, and bulimia in men are at all time highs. This means that guys are willing to go to drastic measures to change themselves.
